Monday, November 23, 2015

Sushi Conveyor Belt Restaurant & Sumu Wrestling on TV

I went and experienced my first ever sushi restaurant.  This one was a "conveyor belt" type restaurant...another new first for me.  These are so popular on the island that it is normal to wait thirty minutes for a spot to sit down.  You go in to the restaurant and at a kiosk you type in the amount of people in your group.  It will then spit you out a number.  As tables become available they go down the list of numbers.  They say the numbers overhead on the speaker (can be heard from the lobby and outside).  I don't yet know the verbal numbers for the local language.  For this reason they also have a TV screen that will show the number they are calling.  We waited about 45 minutes (it was a Japanese Holiday, thus busier than usual) for our number to be called.  Very much worth it!

You have two options once you sit can "order" food or you can pick up what you want as it goes by on the conveyer belt.  It is the same food offering no matter what.  We had fun looking at all the different options as they zoomed on by.  We also had fun with the touchscreen menu option for "ordering".  I am not a seafood person and I was not in the mood to try them out today.  My counterparts were more than happy to devour their seafood options.  I, on the other hand, had plenty of opportunity to stay away from seafood.  I first got fresh pineapple...I love fresh pineapple.  It is so good on this island.  I then tried hamburger on rice.  The hamburger tasted like sausage I would eat in the states.  Sticky rice was amazing.  I had edamame, another favorite of mine.  This edamame was chilled, a first for me.  Would be very nice on a hot day.  I decided to branch out and try something was rice that had been smashed so much that it was of a jello-like substance.  It was covered in brown or green.  I tried the green.  It was a weird consistency...the green covering adhered to the back of my teeth and tasted like I was eating a tree...not good at all.  One of my counterparts offered to try the brown one...they said it was of a nut type flavor.  For future reference, no mossy rock looking food for me.  I then tried the baked cheesecake.  It's not as sweet as in the states nor did it have the graham cracker shell.  It wasn't too bad.  I will definitely go again.

To pay for your meal you hit the "ready for check" button on the touchscreen.  A staff member will come and count up all your plates (pay per plate per color).  You will receive a receipt in which you will go up front to the cash register to pay.  For 4 adults who ate a ton of food (except for me), we paid about 4200yen. 

Conveyor belt (no food in the picture), partial view of the touchscreen, hot water tap for tea you make at the table

My "mossy rock" I tried

View of my partially eaten sticky rice/hamburger and pineapple

The end result...I had 3 plates worth.  The other 3 group members tried a lot more food!

I caught sumu wrestling on the tv.  Very exciting to watch.  Hopefully, I will be able to attend a live sumu wrestling competition during my time in Japan.

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